(19-11-2008)  PCHR Warns of Further Deterioration to Humanitarian Conditions in the Gaza Strip

Weekly Report

During the reporting period, IOF killed 4 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and wounded 6 others, including a child, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.   (13 - 19  November  2008)


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What's New? Press Releases


 Narratives Under Siege

In order to highlight the impact of the siege and closure of the Gaza Strip on the civilian population, PCHR is publishing a series of "Narratives Under Siege." These short articles are based on personal testimonies and experiences of life in the Gaza Strip, and we hope they will serve to highlight the restrictions, and the violations, being imposed on the civilians of Gaza. Narratives Under Siege (23): ‘The Israelis Attack us Every Day’ (pdf)  05 November 2008


What's New? Position Paper
PCHR Position Paper: Controversy over End of Presidential Term in Office pdf
PCHR Calls On the International Community to Prevent a Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza 21 January 2008
 PCHR Situation Assessment: Palestinians continue to be stranded at Rafah International Crossing Point and in Al-Arish December 2007
Position Paper Extra-Judicial Execution  December 2007


PCHR Co-hosts Cairo Conference on Extra-judicial Executions and Prosecution of Israelis Suspected of Committing War Crimes


Blood On Their Hands Child Killings by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip, June 2007 - June 2008


Universal Jurisdiction -  The Case Against Impunity


PCHR Position Paper: Analysis of Controversy over End of Palestinian Presidential Term. pdf


PCHR Annual Report 2007



The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) is an Non Government Organisation (NGO) based in Gaza City. The Centre is a non-profit company, dedicated to protecting human rights, promoting the rule of law and upholding democratic principles in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).  It holds Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and is an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists, the Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH), and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network. PCHR was a recipient of the 1996 French Republic Award for Human Rights.

To find our more about PCHR click here.

Al-Mentar Newsletter (Arabic)



Issues in focus

Security Chaos and Misuse of Weapons. last update 16-10-08

PNA and the Death Penalty

  Reuters Cameraman Killed by an Israeli Tank Shell  16 April 2008


Contact Us

Telefax: +972 (0)8 282 4776
+ 972 (0)8 282 5893

+972 (0)8 282 3725


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What's New? Reports
‘Blood on Their Hands Report on Child Killings by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip. June 2007 -June 2008 October 2008

Extra-Judicial Executions as Israeli Government Policy August 2006 - June 2008 

Annual Report 2007 May  2008

Impact of the Closure on Gaza Strip Exports of Strawberries and Cut Flowers May  2008

Black Pages in the Absence of Justice: Report on Bloody Fighting in the Gaza Strip from 7 to 14 June 2007” 09 October 2007

What's New? Interventions

Letter to Ms. Louise Arbour High Commissioner for Human Rights 06 March 2008

Joint Written Statement Submitted by Human Rights Organization to UN Human Rights Council February 2008

Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council  23 January 2008

Letter from Sourani to Scottish Parliament on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip 30 October 2007

International Solidarity with Gaza

PCHR works in solidarity with human rights and humanitarian agencies around the world who seek to highlight the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), and the humanitarian effects of the continuing siege and closure of the Gaza Strip.


Links to Reports from other Links

Haarertz Israel to boycott 'Durban II' anti-racism conference 19 November 2008

 UN Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967 August 2008

UN Report of the high-level fact-finding mission to Beit Hanoun established under Council resolution S-3/1

THE JERUSALEM POST Israel battles Spanish arrest warrants

International Activities & Solidarity
'Gaza is a jail. Nobody is allowed to leave. We are all starving now' by Patrick Cockburn  08 September 2006