HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual is an Israeli human rights organization whose main objective is to assist Palestinians of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel's policies.
This site contains information relating to these human rights violations. It gives the texts of Israeli laws and regulations, including those of the Military Government; international conventions; petitions to the Israeli High Court of Justice; claims for compensation for damages; decisions by Israeli and other courts; and other official documents and reports.

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Israeli human rights organizations launch new joint blog: The blog offers updates and information regarding the impact on the civilian population, in light of the fighting in Gaza
Since the beginning of the military operation on 27.12.2008, Israel has been preventing the transfer of fuel to the Gaza Strip. As a result, Gaza's power plant has stopped functioning: In a letter to the Minister of Defence, Israeli human rights organizations demand that the supply of fuel be immediately and unconditionally resumed in order to resolve the severe shortage of electricity in the Gaza Strip, which is worsening the situation of the civilian population
HaMoked - Center for the Defence of the Individual and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel submitted a request to join proceedings in an appeal of a judgment given by the Administrative Court as amicus curiae. The appeal was filed in the matter of a resident of East Jerusalem whose permanent residency was revoked after he became a citizen of the USA, where he moved in order to study: The organizations request the Court to reexamine the laws pertaining to the civil status of East Jerusalem's residents.
Following a petition filed by HaMoked, the Interior Ministry will grant the spouse of a resident of Jerusalem temporary residency status (A5 visa): The Petitioner's family unification application has been in processing with the Interior Ministry for close to 14 years and his status was due to be upgraded as part of the graduated procedure back in 2002
The Jerusalem Magistrate Court ruled a NIS 75,000 compensation for three brothers represented by HaMoked for beating and abuse by Border Police officers in Hebron: In the incident, the officers brutally beat the three brothers – minors at the time – and pushed away their mother who came to their aid

HaMoked petitioned the HCJ against the military's decision to seal the home of the family of the person who carried out the attack at "Merkaz Harav" Yeshiva in March this year: In the course of handling the case, the Military Advocate General forwarded HaMoked a computer presentation of the main findings of the Shani Committee. The Committee was set up to reexamine the military's use of house demolitions. The Committee recommended the cessation of house demolitions for the purposes of deterrence

Human rights organizations, including HaMoked, submit a motion under the Contempt of Court Ordinance regarding the breach of the Order Absolute given in their 1994 petition to prohibit the use of torture and abuse in ISA (GSS) interrogations: Testimonies gathered since the judgment was issued indicate that the use of violence in interrogations has never stopped and that ISA investigators continue to use illegal interrogation methods under the "necessity defense"
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