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For the sixth year in a row, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions is offering a summer work camp intended to foster learning, discussion, and friendship between Palestinians, Israelis and internationals.

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Dear Friends,

Given the tragic destruction and violence of the past few months, it is extremely important that we the Israeli, Palestinian and international peace forces respond with a resounding "NO!" to the continuing Occupation and policies of repression.

The rebuilding of demolished Palestinian homes, whether destroyed by court order or under the guise of "security," is one appropriate response. ICAHD's resistance to Israel's demolition of Palestinian homes, combined with our ability to bring hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians together to rebuild, is effective in exposing the workings of the Occupation. It also keeps alive that spark of common struggle for a just peace that will allow for reconciliation someday. House demolitions have become the hallmark of the Occupation. Indeed, since 1967 Israel has demolished over 12,000 Palestinian homes, leaving some 70,000 without shelter and traumatized. The systematic demolition of Palestinian homes is an attack on an entire people, an attempt to make the Palestinians submit to a mini-state or worse, an "autonomous" set of islands -- under Israeli control. We need to struggle against the Occupation so that both our peoples will eventually enjoy the fruits of a just peace.

ICAHD, working with both Israeli and Palestinian NGOs, is launching a campaign to rebuild damaged and demolished Palestinian homes as acts of resistance to the Occupation. ICAHD is not a humanitarian or relief organization. We cannot build enough houses to truly relieve the suffering of the victims. Indeed, we cannot even guarantee that they will not be demolished again. But we can make our voices heard. In the words of my friend, Salim Shawamreh, whose home was demolished three times by the Israeli authorities: "We need your help." Only you, members of the international civil society, by standing alongside like-minded Palestinians and Israelis, can provide the crucial support we need to make our voices heard.

We ask you participate in our worldwide rebuilding campaign: "Resisting the Occupation, Constructing peace: People Rebuilding Palestinian Homes." We seek to host, with your help, house parties that will both raise awareness of the Occupation, and funds for rebuilding. We ask that you invite friends and colleagues to a house party. We will supply videos and informational materials; you will learn more about the situation in Israel-Palestine and solicit funds from the participants. With those funds we Israeli, Palestinians and internationals concerned about a just peace will join together to rebuild the homes. ICAHD will provide full accounting of the funds raised and how they were disbursed in the rebuilding campaign.

Please contact us if you are willing to host a party.

Thank you for your help and support,

Jeff Halper
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions


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